Virginia Stanard

Associate Professor of Architecture and Community Development
School of Architecture & Community Development

University of Detroit Mercy
Detroit, MI USA
Email: | Phone: (313) 442-3520

Quick Bio

Virginia Stanard is an Associate Professor of Architecture and Community Development at the University of Detroit Mercy. She is also a principal at City Form Detroit, a Detroit-based urban design practice. In these roles Virginia implements an interdisciplinary and collaborative model of teaching, research, and practice focused on community-based design and planning. Her design and research have been published in the edited book, Teaching and Designing in Detroit: 10 Women on Pedagogy and Practice, and journals, including Community Development and International Journal for Community Well-Being. Previously, she was the director of the Master of Community Development Program for seven years and served on the Board of Directors of the Community Development Advocates of Detroit and the Association of Community Design. Virginia received her Master of Architecture and Master of Urban Design with Distinction from the University of Michigan and her Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Virginia.