Professor, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design
Community Development Graduate Group
University of California, Davis
Syllabus - MCD 5060: Introduction to Physical Development
Date: Summer 2019
Source: University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture
Program: Master of Community Development
Course: MCD 5060 - Introduction to Physical Development
Instructors: Christina Heximer, Virginia Stanard
This course is an introduction to the physical aspects of community development. The course focuses on the relationship between physical conditions (built and natural environments) and the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of communities. Subject matter includes the role of physical place in the historic and contemporary development of communities, the role of the built environment as an integral component of sustainable communities, equitable physical development, and concepts related to real estate and capital projects development. The course is taught by an inter-disciplinary team of instructors and incorporates real world examples and project based learning.