
Videos - What Makes A Good Teacher Great?

Date: February 2017
Source: TEDx Santo Domingo
Title: What Makes A Good Teacher Great?
Speaker: Azul Terronez


I've been asking the question: What makes a good teacher great? for 24 years. I have collected 26,000 responses from 8 different schools and patterns have emerged. For the last 24 years, he has repeatedly asked students the same question, "What makes a good teacher great?" Azul Terronez is the author of the best-selling book "The art of Apprenticeship" Azul has coached teachers and schools leaders around the world in Spain, Chile, Canada, India, United States and China and he is currently serves as a teacher coach at Shanghai American School.

Videos - Steps on How to Teach in an Active Learning Classroom

Date: October 2015
Source: Steelcase Education
Title: Steps on How to Teach in an Active Learning Classroom
Speaker: Marisa Sergnese


Active learning classrooms require different planning and teaching strategies than traditional classrooms. Steelcase Education offers a few basic steps to get started.

Videos - Sustainable Community Development: From What's Wrong to What's Strong

Date: May 2016
Source: TEDxExeter
Title: Sustainable Community Development: From What's Wrong to What's Strong
Speaker: Cormac Russell, Managing Director of Nurture Development, faculty member of the ABCD Institute at Northwestern University


How can we help people to live a good life? Instead of trying to right what's wrong within a community Cormac argues we need to start with what's strong. We need to help people discover what gifts they have and to use those gifts to enrich those around them. -- At TEDxExeter 2016 our speakers encapsulated the idea of movement, that grappling with humanity’s toughest questions requires first a vision, a dream, and then action.

Cormac Russell is Managing Director of Nurture Development, the leading Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) organisation in Europe, and faculty member of the ABCD Institute at Northwestern University, Illinois. He works with local communities, NGOs and governments on asset-based community development and other strengths-based approaches, in four continents. Cormac served on the UK Government’s Expert Reference Group on Community Organising and Communities First during its term in 2011-12. His book “Asset Based Community Development (ABCD): Looking Back to Look Forward” was published in 2015. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Videos - What is Community Engagement?

Date: December 2016
Source: Western University Student Services
Title: What is community engagement?
Speaker: Lisa Boyko, Western University


There are many definitions for community. Western University's Lisa Boyko gives an overview of the meaning of community engagement, and outlines its various benefits.

Videos - Tipping The Scale: Unconscious Barriers to Community Engagement

Date: December 2014
Source: TEDx
Title: Tipping The Scale: Unconscious Barriers to Community Engagement
Speaker: Brett Powell


Anyone who has struggled with the essence of a volunteer workforce will benefit from what Brett Powell describes as the four barriers. Understanding what prevents us from jumping into the volunteer pool may just help us be a better volunteer.